Monday, November 5, 2012



our hill women work in the field, fetch firewood and water, keep the heritage of songs

Les Mousquetaires

Quite a thrill to see St Germain, and Hotel de Ville, and other landmarks de Dumas


There is no writer's block in a newsroom. There's only unemployment block. 
- Carl Hiaase

Jaitapur meets Chernobyl

Recipe: take a flourishing ecosystem. Add some nuclear ambitions. Voila!

[If you are interested in knowing more about the anti-nuclear agitation in India, please read here]

Friday, August 3, 2012

Michelle has a new hat!

Did this a year or two back - there was such a buzz at one time about what Michelle Obama was wearing. Thought I'd give her a new look! 


A Harry Potter binge and eyes giving out :)

Mental Blocks

I find as a society there is more suspicion, less trust, and more prejudice in the way we perceive each other. What struck me about this drawing was the lack of air, or light, or other viewpoints, to which our minds are closed. 

Speedy Motors

I did this about a year ago. I kind of imagined what Mr J.L.B. Matekoni's spick n span garage would look like. Of course you don't see "those useless apprentices", as Mma Makutsi would say, anywhere; most likely they are sitting with a cup of tea where they can get a view of the road and girls walking past. 

To byte or not?


A very old pic. Just having some fun in the early days of my Apple with trick photography.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Midnight Jaunt

Do fish sleep? Looking at their zen-like swimming, fluid movements, no rush to get somewhere, I wonder....